All Shops | Shopping & leisure center in Vilnius | Panorama


Visitors can find more than 200 stores including clothing, footwear, cosmetics, jewellery, children’s and baby products, food and liquor, consumer electronics, sports and leisure goods, interior design and gifts, pet supplies and other stores under one roof in Vilnius.

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MON AMI logo
I-VII 09:00-21:00
Phone +370 677 90744
Naturalia logo
I-VII 10:00-21:00
Phone +370 682 22333


NESPRESSO is not just a coffee. It is a sensorial experience. It is a lifestyle that is simple yet refined, offering timeless elegance.

I-VII 10:00-21:00
Phone +370 5 250 5090
New Yorker logo
I-VII 10:00-21:00
Phone +370 5 263 8428
NordBaby logo
I-VII 10:00-21:00
Phone +370 630 01979
optikos pasaulis

Optikos pasaulis

„Optikos pasaulis“ – didžiausias optikų tinklas Lietuvoje jau daugiau nei 20 metų besirūpinantis Jūsų geru matymu ir girdėjimu.
„Optikos pasaulio“ regos ir klausos centre Jūsų laukia ne tik itin platus optikos prekių – akinių rėmelių, saulės akinių, kontaktinių lęšių bei kitų akinių priežiūros priemonių – pasirinkimas, bet ir patyrę bei kvalifikuoti regos ir klausos priežiūros specialistai, kurie pasirūpins Jūsų gera rega ir klausa!

I-VII 10:00-21:00
Phone +370 659 00 456
pandora v2
I-VII 10:00-21:00
Phone +370 5 263 6655
Pati Pati logo
I-VII 10:00-21:00
Phone +370 656 72541
Pegasas knygynas logo
I-VII 10:00-21:00
Phone +370 5 210 9136


PetCity - everything a pet and his owner need under one roof! Worldwide known brands and brands that were introduced for the first time in Lithunia, scandinavian style and impeccable quality.

I-VII 10:00-21:00
Phone +370 618 01006
pierre cardin logo v2

Pierre Cardin

Pierre Cardin kolekcija – tai mada sujungta su intriguojančiom naujienom išlaikant tradicines vertybes.

I-VII 10:00-21:00
Phone +370 655 93055
Pin pin logo
I-VII 10:00-21:00
Phone +370 655 66320

Visitors can find more than 200 stores including clothing, footwear, cosmetics, jewellery, children’s and baby products, food and liquor, consumer electronics, sports and leisure goods, interior design and gifts, pet supplies and other stores under one roof in Vilnius.

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